Friday, 30 April 2010

Customary anti-BNP ranting

***BNP leader Nick Griffin has been secretly filmed out on the far-right party's campaign trail, where he compared east London to Nairobi.

The BNP is well known for having controversial policies, but it would appear the party also has controversial opinions when it comes to canvassing voters.
An undercover reporter from the People tabloid recorded what happened when senior party member Richard Edmonds was out leafleting in Dagenham.
When a woman told him she would not vote BNP, Mr Edmonds' response as he walked away was: "Silly ******* aren't they? Maybe she's got a black kid you see?
"Or maybe her sister's got a black kid? That I think is always the explanation around here.
"Once they go with blacks, they're part of the black tribe.
"Wicked, horrible, stupid. I've seen it many, many times."
Mr Griffin was also filmed talking about canvassing in Barking, where he is trying to oust Labour's Margaret Hodge.
"Yes, it's something like leafleting central Nairobi isn't it, I'm afraid," he said.
A spokesman for the BNP said the remarks were made after Mr Edmonds had been verbally abused in the street.
They party did not want to comment further on the filming.
At its manifesto launch last week, the BNP insisted it was not a single-issue party.***

Over the past few years, the public profile of the British National Party has steadily increased, culminating in it's esteemed leader, Nick Griffin, being invited to take part in a televised debate on Question Time, a long-running British TV institution seen every week by millions of British voters. As the episode unfolded, it quickly became clear why, despite being one of the most recognisable characters in this glorified soap opera we call politics, Mr Griffin had a suprisingly small voice in the public forum. It was because he is an brain-dead imbecile. Every time Mr Griffin opened his face hole it was almost as if our world had ceased to exist, and we had entered a brave new world where stupidity and bigotry had no physical limits. The "hightlights" (if such outstanding idiocy can be described as hightlights) for me were his defence of his relationship with a prominent member of the Ku Klux Klan, describing his American counterpart as "one of the non-violent ones" or when he quipped that said Klansman could disguise himself "with a hood". Both comments, might I add, said whilst sat less than 2 feet away from Bonnie Greer, a black American female who was grew up in the era of United States history where public executions of men, women and children of colour by white supremacists was commonplace.

Those two comments alone should leave no sane human being in any doubt as to the sheer scale of stupidity this man operates under. So when I saw the above story with the headline BNP RACISM SHOCK, I could only assume the writer of this piece was a shrewd operator in sarcasm. Let's dissect this article into easy, bite size sections;

"Silly ******* aren't they? Maybe she's got a black kid you see?"

Yeah, that must be it. The blacks must have gotten to her first! This woman must have been a breeding ground of bigotry and hatred until those bloody darkies got to her and polluted her mind with equality and tolerance! SERIOUSLY. Is this how the thought processes of Joe and Jane Racist actually work? Is in inconcievable that someone might actually be a decent, tolerant human being and not have some sort of link to the black community? Well, it is very concievable. But only if you are not as thick as shit. This is where the BNP mindset hits a brick wall, because you cannot support this clap-trap and not be as thick as shit.

"Once they go with blacks, they're part of the black tribe."

The black tribe? THE BLACK TRIBE???!!?!?! That sentence is so utterly mind-bogglingly stupid I think I might start hyper-ventilating. What is he suggesting, that being black is contaigous? I mean, there is stupid, and there is OHMYGOD that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard in all my life and I will never hear anything so retarded ever again. And then there is this. A whole new world, a whole new universe of lunacy. I can't even think of anything to say about this statement, because the English language has yet to evolve to such a level that things like this can be explained with mere language. Why are students throwing eggs at David Cameron when they could be throwing burning bags of used syringes at people like this?

A spokesman for the BNP said the remarks were made after Mr Edmonds had been verbally abused in the street.

THIS IS IT! The money shot, the pay-off, this is the Lionel Messi, the Muhammad Ali, the Usain Bolt of idiocy. This is what would be found in the Large Hadron Collider of stupidity. This one remark. The very idea that such intolerant, prejudiced filth can be justified by a defence of WELL SHE STARTED IT. This is what the BNP are. Overgrown children. But even that is doing a disservice to children, who even from the moment sperm meets egg, are never going to be as stupid as the average BNP supporter.