Sunday, 2 May 2010

Is a school massacre storyline out of the question?...

Why is everyone so utterly in love with Glee? MAN, IT IS SO ANNOYING. Everything about it is just so over the top, so camp, so irritating and grating and unfunny. I hate how every week a gaggle of easily-persuaded morons lap this shit up in CD/MP3 form and give this shit the publicity and credibility it scarcely even deserves. I reckon the makers of this garbage are laughing their balls off at how easy they have it. What do they have to do? Most of the show is already written for them, what with every episode just being a load of ugly outcasts butchering every semi-popular song of the past 30 years.

Actually, you know what is worse than Glee?


Not a thing on earth is as face-achingy bad as this shit.


I want to beat every single one of these people to death with the severed head of the person next to them. Especially that wretched little homo at the bottom in the middle. Closely followed by that cretin with the glasses and the face of a brain-damaged camel.

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